MANITOWOC, Wis.(WFRV)- Ammo Incorporated held a groundbreaking ceremony at the construction site for their brand new state-of-the-art plant in Manitowoc. “We sat there and said we’re gonna start an ammunition company and I think I was the only guy in the room that had a gun,” said Fred Wagenhals, Chairman and CEO of Ammo Inc. Wagenhals addressed a crowd of about 20 people during the ceremony.
The Arizona based company chose Manitowoc because of what the city had to offer. “The city council really stepped up to make this a reality,” said Justin Nickels, mayor of Manitowoc. Nickels is excited about the new opportunities this development will bring. ” A lot of our growth has been from the homegrown companies and that’s our bread and butter. It’s great to see a company from outside the area see the value in Manitowoc,” said Nickels.